Abstract : In 2002, Valiant introduced matchgates, a computational model based on perfect matching in graphs. Independently, in 2010, Coecke and Kissinger developed the ZW-calculus, a graphical language inspired by two families of multipartite states, the GHZ and W-states. This calculus has wonderful properties but no intuitive interpretations, and despite its historical role in the theory of diagrammatic languages, it is often looked at as a curiosity. In this presentation, I will present ongoing works with Etienne Moutot, Thomas Perez and Renaud Vilmart. We propose to use the ZW-calculus as the natural language to formulate the theory of matchgates, and in doing so, we provide a combinatorial interpretation of ZW-diagrams via perfect matching. I will introduce from scratch this joint framework and its application to the development of new simulation technics of quantum circuits.
When : Lundi 12 décembre à 14h00
Where : salle 04.05 du TPR2 à Luminy – Lien zoom