Abstract : We develop quantum algorithms for simulating the dynamics of interacting quantum particles in $d$ dimensions. Compared to the best previous results, our algorithm is exponentially better in terms of the discretization error \epsilon and polynomially better in terms of the simulation time $T$ and the dimension $d$. We give applications to several computational problems, including faster real-space simulation of quantum chemistry, rigorous analysis of discretization error for simulation of a uniform electron gas, and a quadratic improvement to a quantum algorithm for escaping saddle points in nonconvex optimization.
When : Mardi 17 janvier à 14h00
Where : (Only online) Zoom https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/83102045836?pwd=VERoYm45eWdveTZiRnA2TVpYUlk5QT09ID : 831 0204 5836Passcode: 822671